Monday, February 18, 2019

Random Blog Post #1: Bear Encounters

Ever seen a bear before? I have. Only in a zoo – until I went to Alaska. People who have seen bears in captivity often wonder what the big deal is with these animals. They seem lazy and far from being a danger to humans. I remember I used to think to myself how dumb people must be if they actually got attacked by a bear. I was this naive up until the point where I found myself face to face with a twelve-foot grizzly bear in the middle of the Alaskan tundra. I then knew exactly why these creatures are so feared.

We had just arrived in King Salmon, Alaska and were already boarding a small Cessna to fly out to a remote creek in the Katmai National park to fly fish. There were five of us: my dad, grandfather, great uncle, myself, and our guide. Our guide kept repeating himself on bear safety. He made us all carry bear mace and emphasized never leaving the group. I didn’t understand his concern. I figured we would either see or hear the bears coming and just walk the other way.

After we finally arrived at our destination, we began fishing in this open clearing along the stream. Within five minutes of being there, I hear my dad shriek “Bear!” I turned to see a massive animal standing within twenty yards of my dad and I, standing on its’ back legs. We slowly backed away and rejoined the group as the bear watched every movement we made. The bear finally noticed it was outnumbered and retreated back into the brush.

We went on to have ten encounters like that in the few hours we were fishing – each time equally as terrifying. Needless to say, I now have more of an appreciation for bears than I did before. After that trip, it is clear that the bears rule the tundra and not humans.


  1. What a wild experience. Even without the bears, going to Alaska to fish seems like pretty cool time. I can't even imagine being that close to a bear, I would probably freak out.

  2. That's a crazy experience! Hannah also had a life-threatening experience. You should check out her random blog.

    Why do you think the bears approached your group?

  3. That's crazy, I can't believe you actually ran into a wild bear! If i were you I would've been terrified and I really don't think I would've been able to remain calm.


  4. Your experience sounds terrifying - especially since it happened more than once. Most people don't realize how different an untamed animal is from one that is tamed. Totally unpredictable and unresponsive to commands.


  5. Wow what a story. I can hardly imagine having one bear encounter -- none the less ten! Being so far out in the wild, we really realize that we are living in other animal's homes not ours. Thanks for sharing you shocking story and stay safe next time you go tundra-fishing.


  6. That's an epic story. I can only imagine how fast your heart was pounding. But I'm sure it was also super cool to be able to witness a bear outside of a zoo!

  7. Davis,

    Damn. They must have been extremely scary, heart-stopping encounters. Glad everyone was alright. Thanks for sharing.

    - Angad Singh

  8. Davis,

    that's a scary but cool story. I can't wonder how it feels to face such huge animals when they are in complete freedom, because we often underestimate their strength and how dangerous they could be when we observe them from far in a zoo.

  9. Davis,

    Such a sick story to have shared but also so glad that you and your father made it to safety. Reading your post, I had butterflies in my stomach because I have absolutely no idea what I would do in a similar situation so I'm glad logic kicked in for you and you were able to make the right decision.

    Since you had similar encounters from that point onward, did you handle each encounter the same?


  10. Davis,

    Animals in captivity are like prisoners I feel like, you don't really get to see how they actually act in their natural habitat. That's pretty scary that you had 10 encounters in that short time fly fishing but great that no bear attacked you. Seems like a wild experience!



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